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Siso & Auxiliar Adinistrativo/VO

Operaciones - Barranquilla, Colombia


OBJETIVO DEL CARGO Apoyar las actividades del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, en el marco del cumplimiento legal. Realizar la gestión documental de cada vehículo despachado desde el CEDI, apoyar en la facturación y atención de clientes. FUNCIONES PRINCIPALES DEL CARGO Apoyar la implementación eficiente del SG SST en todas las áreas de la empresa y la actualización de todos los documentos inherentes al SG SST. Aplicar las normas legales sobre SST vigentes y aplicables a la empresa. Participar en la divulgación y ejecución de las actividades que den cumplimiento a las politicas, procedimientos, objetivos y planes de acción para el control de riesgos y peligros prioritarios. Divulgar información pertinente en seguridad y salud en el trabajo a las partes interesadas. Ejecutar las actividades de los programas de vigilancia epidemiológica que busquen controlar los riesgos que afecten la salud de los trabajadores. Reportar los accidentes de trabajo y enfermedades laborales del personal de la empresa. Participar y hacer seguimiento a las investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo e incidentes realizadas con el COPASST con el fin de eliminar las causas raizales y prevenir accidentes de trabajo generados por las mismas condiciones o actos sub estándar. Solicitar y asegurar la entrega de los elementos de protección personal EPP de acuerdo a los requisitos del cargo o actividad, así como su administración y uso adecuado. Realizar inspecciones de seguridad en los diferentes centros de trabajo de la empresa. Elaborar informes e indicadores del sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud que le sean asignados. Atender clientes internos y externos. Recibir las improntas por parte del analista de inventarios y enviarlas de acuerdo a las solicitudes. Gestión con las transportadoras para la ejecución de los transportes nacionales y/o urbanos. Programar las solicitudes de transporte de los clientes. Apoyar el proceso de facturación de los servicios prestados en el patio de almacenamiento. Realizar las demás funciones relacionadas con su cargo que sean asignadas con por su jefe inmediato. RESPONSABILDADES EN SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO Procurar el cuidado integral de su salud. Suministrar información clara, veraz y completa sobre su estado de salud. Cumplir las normas, reglamentos e instrucciones del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa. Realizar uso correcto y oportuno de los elementos de protección personal. Informar oportunamente al empleador o contratante acerca de los peligros y riesgos latentes en su sitio de trabajo. Reportar de forma oportuna accidentes e incidentes de trabajo. Participar en las actividades de capacitación en seguridad y salud en el trabajo definido en el plan de capacitación del SG–SST. Participar y contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST." RESPONSABILIDAD AMBIENTAL Dar cumplimiento a la política ambiental y lineamientos ambientales establecidos en la empresa, con el fin de contribuir a la toma de conciencia ambiental, la identificación y formulación de oportunidades de mejora. Participar en las actividades de capacitación relacionados con la política ambiental. Implementar buenas prácticas ambientales en cada puesto de trabajo para minimizar los impactos ambientales generados. Reportar incidentes o condiciones anormales ambientales para asegurar la atención o corrección de las situaciones identificadas." REQUISITOS PARA EL CARGO ACADEMICOS Técnico o tecnologo en seguridad y salud en el trabajo o áreas afines, con licencia en SST vigente. Certificación del curso del SG-SST (50 horas). Curso de trabajo en alturas. Manejo de herramientas informáticas y ofimáticas básico." EXPERIENCIA LABORAL 1 año de experiencia en el área de SST. COMPETENCIAS REQUERIDAS PARA EL CARGO Conocimiento en auditoria interna , Norma ISO 9001:2015 y Norma ISO 14001:2015 Planificación y análisis. Resolución de conflictos. Trabajo en equipo. Comunicación asertiva. Orientación al servicio. Manejo de indicadores."


Conocimiento en auditoria interna , Norma ISO 9001:2015 y Norma ISO 14001:2015, Planificación y análisis, Resolución de conflictos, Trabajo en equipo, Comunicación asertiva, Orientación al servicio, Manejo de indicadores.


Operaciones - Barranquilla, Colombia


OBJETIVO DEL CARGO Recepcionar, Inspeccionar, Movilizar y Despachar los vehículos según la necesidad de la operación, cumpliendo con los criterios y estándares establecidos en la compañía y por el área de Calidad. FUNCIONES PRINCIPALES DEL CARGO RECIBO Y DESPACHO DE UNIDADES: -Recibo, verificación e inspección de las unidades que sean ingresadas a la campa, asegurando siempre que queden reportadas a tiempo y de manera exacta, las novedades que puedan presentarse en los cambios de responsabilidad. -Despacho de las unidades programadas velando siempre que este procedimiento se realice cumpliendo con los tiempos estipulados, documentos y demás requisitos indispensables para su realización, tales como formatos, ordenes de despacho y declaración de importación que amparen los vehículos programados y que en los casos que se requieran el acompañamiento de los supervisores encargados por marca o clientes para despachar. INSPECCIONES: -Inspecciones de Check IN/OUT de unidades ingresadas al patio de Almacenamiento de barranquilla. -Digitación y organizació-n de novedades inspeccionadas en Check IN/OUT en el sistema SGT. -Movilizar las unidades cuando la semana de inspección de la unidad lo requiera y dejarla alineada por bloque. PATIO - Ubicar las unidades y toma el box en la campa correspondiente. - Verificar que las unidades se encuentren cerradas y los vidrios arriba. - Movilización de las unidades para alistamiento, lavado o despacho cuando haya lugar, realizando el respectivo cambio de box en el sistema. - Reportar en el sistema e informar al jefe inmediato de las novedades que sean detectadas en las unidades. MANTENIMIENTO - Realizar los mantenimientos de acuerdo al plan de la programación mensual y trimestral de las unidades almacenadas. - Llevar a cabo cada una de las tareas contempladas en los planes de mantenimiento según los estándares y parámetros de calidad establecidos para este procedimiento. - Cargar las baterías de las unidades que presentan alguna novedad. - Revisar la presión de inflado de las llantas de las unidades almacenadas. - Informar al Auxiliar de Patio cualquier novedad que tengan las unidades que afecten su calidad. VPC - Movilizar los vehículos de la celda de almacenamiento hasta la zona VPC. - Cambiar la ubicación del vehículo en el sistema SGT. - Inspeccionar los vehículos que entran y salen de las zonas VPC e identificar si existen novedades para reportarlas en el Sistema SGT OTRAS FUNCIONES - Realizar actividades de asistencia que le sean requeridas por el jefe inmediato. RESPONSABILDADES EN SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO Procurar el cuidado integral de su salud. Suministrar información clara, veraz y completa sobre su estado de salud. Cumplir las normas, reglamentos e instrucciones del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa. Realizar uso correcto y oportuno de los elementos de protección personal. Informar oportunamente al empleador o contratante acerca de los peligros y riesgos latentes en su sitio de trabajo. Reportar de forma oportuna accidentes e incidentes de trabajo. Participar en las actividades de capacitación en seguridad y salud en el trabajo definido en el plan de capacitación del SG–SST. Participar y contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST. RESPONSABILIDAD AMBIENTAL Dar cumplimiento a la política ambiental y lineamientos ambientales establecidos en la empresa, con el fin de contribuir a la toma de conciencia ambiental, la identificación y formulación de oportunidades de mejora. Participar en las actividades de capacitación relacionados con la política ambiental. Implementar buenas prácticas ambientales en cada puesto de trabajo para minimizar los impactos ambientales generados. Reportar incidentes o condiciones anormales ambientales para asegurar la atención o corrección de las situaciones identificadas. REQUISITOS PARA EL CARGO ACADEMICOS NO APLICA EXPERIENCIA LABORAL 6 meses en cargos afines a la operación con vehículos. COMPETENCIAS REQUERIDAS PARA EL CARGO Conducir de forma segura. Dinamismo. Escucha activa. Comunicación asertiva. Observación. Proactividade


Conducir de forma segura, Dinamismo, Escucha activa, Comunicación asertiva, Observación, Proactividade

Supervisor logístico

Operaciones - Barranquilla, Colombia


OBJETIVO DEL CARGO Planificar, dirigir y coordinar las actividades de la operación logística del CEDI. FUNCIONES PRINCIPALES DEL CARGO Planificar y gestionar oportunamente los recursos necesarios para garantizar la operación del CEDI. Dirigir las actividades de la operación logística del CEDI Cumplir los objetivos establecidos por la compañía para el CEDI. Garantizar la facturación de los servicios prestados por el CEDI en tiempo y forma. Asegurar el reporte de todos los servicios y compras realizadas a los diferentes proveedores del CEDI. Asegurar la atención oportuna de los clientes internos y externos. Gestionar los requerimientos del cliente . Garantizar que se brinde atención y solución a todos los requerimientos de las diferentes áreas de la organización en relación al CEDI. Coordinar, gestionar y verificar la programación de transporte. Conocer, mantener y administrar la documentación y procedimientos del sistema de gestión de los proceso a cargo. Generar y presentar los indicadores de gestión del proceso a cargo. Responder por el seguimiento y análisis de los indicadores de gestión del CEDI. Participar en los programas de mejoramiento continuo, identificando las oportunidades de mejora de los procesos a cargo. Garantizar el reporte de los gastos y legalizaciones de la caja menor asignada y a su vez gestionar los rembolsos. Participar en el desarrollo de planes financieros para nuevos proyectos. Responder por los nuevos proyectos asignados por la alta dirección. Realizar las demás funciones relacionadas con su cargo que sean asignadas con por su jefe inmediato. RESPONSABILDADES EN SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO Procurar el cuidado integral de su salud. Suministrar información clara, veraz y completa sobre su estado de salud. Cumplir las normas, reglamentos e instrucciones del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa. Realizar uso correcto y oportuno de los elementos de protección personal. Informar oportunamente al empleador o contratante acerca de los peligros y riesgos latentes en su sitio de trabajo. Reportar de forma oportuna accidentes e incidentes de trabajo. Participar en las actividades de capacitación en seguridad y salud en el trabajo definido en el plan de capacitación del SG–SST. Participar y contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST. RESPONSABILIDAD AMBIENTAL Dar cumplimiento a la política ambiental y lineamientos ambientales establecidos en la empresa, con el fin de contribuir a la toma de conciencia ambiental, la identificación y formulación de oportunidades de mejora. Participar en las actividades de capacitación relacionados con la política ambiental. Implementar buenas prácticas ambientales en cada puesto de trabajo para minimizar los impactos ambientales generados. Reportar incidentes o condiciones anormales ambientales para asegurar la atención o corrección de las situaciones identificadas. REQUISITOS PARA EL CARGO ACADEMICOS Tecnologo o Profesional en administración de empresas, ingeniería administrativa, ingeniería industrial o carreras a fines a la logística o áreas administrativas. Manejo de herramientas informáticas y ofimáticas intermedio EXPERIENCIA LABORAL 2 años en áreas de administrativas, logísticas de operaciones, calidad y/o distribución. COMPETENCIAS REQUERIDAS PARA EL CARGO Liderazgo. Planificación y análisis. Resolución de conflictos. Trabajo en equipo. Comunicación asertiva. Orientación al servicio. Manejo de indicadores. Orientación a resultados.


Liderazgo, Planificación y análisis, Resolución de conflictos, Trabajo en equipo, Comunicación asertiva, Orientación al servicio, Manejo de indicadores, Orientación a resultados.

Lider de Operaciones

Operaciones - Barranquilla, Colombia


OBJETIVO DEL CARGO Coordinar, garantizar y supervisar el desarrollo de todas las actividades operativas del CEDI, asegurando que se lleven a cabo de acuerdo con la planificación, objetivos y lineamientos de la organización. FUNCIONES PRINCIPALES DEL CARGO Planificar, asignar, coordinar y monitorear las tareas del personal operativo dando cumplimiento a los procesos de recepción, almacenamiento, alistamiento, mantenimientos, accesorización y distribución de unidades. Apoyar los procesos operativos y administrativos del CEDI. Generar los informes y reportes periódicos que contribuyan a la planificación y ejecución de las operaciones. Reportar y gestionar las novedades operativas del CEDI. Controlar el inventario diario de vehículos almacenados en el CEDI, a través de la validación de inventarios físicos periódicos. Asegurar que el personal operativo cuente con las herramientas de trabajo necesarias para ejecutar sus funciones y controlar el uso, cuidado y devolución de las mismas. Realizar reuniones periódicas con el personal a cargo, para identificar oportunidades de mejora en los diferentes procesos del CEDI. Mantener actualizados los indicadores de gestión. Conocer, mantener y administrar la documentación y procedimientos del sistema de gestión referente a su cargo. Garantizar las capacitaciones de inducción y reinducción periódicas de las funciones del personal operativo del CEDI, bajo los estándares de calidad de los diferentes procesos. Implementar y participar en la coordinación de los nuevos proyectos que se generen en el CEDI. Participar en los programas de mejoramiento continuo, identificando las oportunidades de mejora en los procesos a cargo. Reportar las novedades del personal operativo a cargo. Velar por el cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad definidos por la organización y los requerimientos del cliente. Realizar las demás funciones relacionadas con su cargo que sean asignadas con por su jefe inmediato." RESPONSABILDADES EN SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO Procurar el cuidado integral de su salud. Suministrar información clara, veraz y completa sobre su estado de salud. Cumplir las normas, reglamentos e instrucciones del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa. Realizar uso correcto y oportuno de los elementos de protección personal. Informar oportunamente al empleador o contratante acerca de los peligros y riesgos latentes en su sitio de trabajo. Reportar de forma oportuna accidentes e incidentes de trabajo. Participar en las actividades de capacitación en seguridad y salud en el trabajo definido en el plan de capacitación del SG–SST. Participar y contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST." RESPONSABILIDAD AMBIENTAL Dar cumplimiento a la política ambiental y lineamientos ambientales establecidos en la empresa, con el fin de contribuir a la toma de conciencia ambiental, la identificación y formulación de oportunidades de mejora. Participar en las actividades de capacitación relacionados con la política ambiental. Implementar buenas prácticas ambientales en cada puesto de trabajo para minimizar los impactos ambientales generados. Reportar incidentes o condiciones anormales ambientales para asegurar la atención o corrección de las situaciones identificadas." REQUISITOS PARA EL CARGO ACADEMICOS Técnico, tecnólogo o profesional en logística, industrial, áreas administrativas o áreas afines. Manejo de herramientas informáticas y ofimáticas intermedio." EXPERIENCIA LABORAL 1 año de experiencia en el área de logística. COMPETENCIAS REQUERIDAS PARA EL CARGO Liderazgo. Planificación y análisis. Resolución de conflictos. Trabajo en equipo. Comunicación asertiva. Orientación al servicio. Manejo de indicadores. Manejo de personal. Orientación a resultados."


Liderazgo, Planificación y análisis, Resolución de conflictos, Trabajo en equipo

Líder de calidad

Operaciones - Barranquilla, Colombia


OBJETIVO DEL CARGO Liderar el cumplimiento de las normas técnicas de calidad tanto de la organización como las suministradas por los clientes, garantizando que en toda la operación logística de HAL se cumpla cabalmente. FUNCIONES PRINCIPALES DEL CARGO Solicitar las normas técnicas generadas y exigidas por nuestros clientes, velando por el cumplimiento y actualización de las mismas. Difundir los documentos técnicos al personal operativo. Utilizar medios adecuados para la divulgación de la información técnica. Diseñar un plan de formación, de acuerdo a la necesidad de la operación. Velar por la actualización del cuadro de polivalencias operativo. Difundir la política de calidad clara, precisa y oportuna para efectuar una labor eficiente y eficaz. Desarrollar un programa de mejoramiento continuo. Generar espacios de comunicación con el personal operativo para informaciones importantes o retroalimentaciones. Capacitar al personal temporal que realizará labores dentro del perímetro donde se realiza la operación con los vehículos nuevos, para evitar el deterioro de los mismos y conservando los registros. Participar en las auditorías pertinentes al área de Calidad Fast Terminal. Elaborar planes de acción de calidad que faciliten la reducción en la tasa de averías, el cumplimiento y el compromiso en el mejoramiento continuo. Preparar las auditorías realizadas del CEDI y generar los informes para tomar acciones correctivas. Dar inducción al personal nuevo de Fast terminal, basado en políticas de calidad, y manejo de las normas técnicas, para la conservación de los vehículos. Definir a los inspectores criterios de calidad, en todas las áreas de la operación basados en los conocimientos y en la aplicación del flash aves y la calificación por V1, adicional atender los problemas que se generen durante el proceso logístico en cuanto a la calidad. Atender las observaciones e inquietudes de calidad presentadas por los conductores y transportadores. Elaborar, suministrar y actualizar los formatos utilizados para la operación logística de Fast-Terminal. Archivar los documentos relacionados con el área de calidad ajustándose a las normas de archivo y manejo de documentación. Generar el registro de averías e informar sobre los hechos y causas de este a los interesados y comprometidos con el proceso de calidad. Realizar revisiones anuales a las FOS para validar su actualización o en su defecto hacer el ajuste necesario de acuerdo a la necesidad de la operación. Validar y verificar facturas por recuperaciones. Mantener actualizados los indicadores de gestión. Mantener LAP actualizada. Conocer, mantener y administrar la documentación y procedimientos del sistema de gestión referente a su cargo. Realizar las demás funciones relacionadas con su cargo que sean asignadas con por su jefe inmediato. RESPONSABILDADES EN SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO Procurar el cuidado integral de su salud. Suministrar información clara, veraz y completa sobre su estado de salud. Cumplir las normas, reglamentos e instrucciones del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa. Realizar uso correcto y oportuno de los elementos de protección personal. Informar oportunamente al empleador o contratante acerca de los peligros y riesgos latentes en su sitio de trabajo. Reportar de forma oportuna accidentes e incidentes de trabajo. Participar en las actividades de capacitación en seguridad y salud en el trabajo definido en el plan de capacitación del SG–SST. Participar y contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST. RESPONSABILIDAD AMBIENTAL Dar cumplimiento a la política ambiental y lineamientos ambientales establecidos en la empresa, con el fin de contribuir a la toma de conciencia ambiental, la identificación y formulación de oportunidades de mejora. Participar en las actividades de capacitación relacionados con la política ambiental. Implementar buenas prácticas ambientales en cada puesto de trabajo para minimizar los impactos ambientales generados. Reportar incidentes o condiciones anormales ambientales para asegurar la atención o corrección de las situaciones identificadas. REQUISITOS PARA EL CARGO ACADEMICOS Técnico, tecnólogo o profesional en calidad, logística, industrial, ambiental, áreas administrativas o áreas afines. Conocimiento en auditoria interna , Norma ISO 9001:2015 y Norma ISO 14001:2015. Manejo de herramientas informáticas y ofimáticas intermedio. EXPERIENCIA LABORAL 1 año de experiencia en el área de calidad o logística. COMPETENCIAS REQUERIDAS PARA EL CARGO Liderazgo. Resolución de conflictos. Trabajo en equipo. Comunicación asertiva. Orientación al servicio. Manejo de indicadores. Manejo de personal. Planificación y análisis. Orientación a resultados.


Liderazgo, Resolución de conflictosTrabajo en equipo, Comunicación asertiva, Orientación al servicio, Manejo de indicadores, Manejo de personal, Planificación y análisis, Orientación a resultados.

Commercial Executive

Operations - Camperdown, South Africa


Position Summary: The Commercial Executive is responsible for identifying and unlocking the customer value in opportunities within liner shipping networks to develop 4/3PL solutions selling of our Company current and future global portfolio. while designing, promote, and coordinate business-to-business sales, working closely with clients in a specific region to develop, promote, and set up business-to-business sales. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Explores current trends related to the port management and logistics business and anticipates future trends likely to have an impact while establishes and implements commercial strategy and plan, to promote revenue, profitability and growth. • Creates, develops and maintains close, strategic relationships with key customers, both shipping lines as well as major beneficial cargo owners and logistics companies, at various levels • Analyses and suggest cost-effective logistics solutions to the client organization and oversee its implementation; revise as necessary to best suit the organization requirements. • Ensures all business development opportunities are optimized by overseeing and utilizing market research and analysis and developing business plans / recommendations, including all associated costs and forecasted revenue for the Company global portfolio in South Africa. • Identifies value drivers of the business and profitable commercial opportunities to Collates and analyses business data pertaining to all commercial activities. • Conducts analysis of existing signed contracts for the purpose of quality improvement. • Addresses commercial issues on contracts, subcontract administration, including implementation of risk control procedures under guidance from the Chief Commercial Officer • Reviews commercial terms of tenders and advises tendering team on internal actions, clarifications or qualifications to clients. • Performs other duties as required grow revenue and market share, i.e. develops and recommends pricing strategy to produce the highest possible long-term market shar • Oversee and study market changes that influence the company and provide market insights and strategic advice to CCO. • Marks sharp and decisis decision to ensure company profitability on business. • Develops and implements comprehensive business plans designed to grow the business and improve costs efficiency. • Leads and drives significant development of the business and profitability as well as maintaining strong and long-term relationship with the customers. • Builds and maintains the customer database and leverage on the date to identify business opportunities with existing and prospective customers. • Assesses, manages, and resolves problematic developments and situations. Direct Reports: Commercial Manager Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • At least Diploma/Professional Degree in logistic/international trade/supply chain. • At least 5 years of sale experience. • Three (3) years’ experience developing and mentoring sales and business development teams. • Knowledge of domestic international regulatory compliance laws and regulations related to the transportation industry would be an added advantage. • Bilingual English b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Excellent negotiating skills, ability to engage with and present to clients. • Strong networking skills. • Excellent diary management. • Strong industry and market awareness (local, regional, international). • Solidly understanding of the processes and metrics required for sales success. • Ability to operate effectively fast paced environment. • Ability to manage multiple relationships, duties and priorities. • Excellent verbal, written, communication and presentation skills. • Ability to work on own initiative without the need for daily supervision. • Detail-oriented and analytical with a logical approach to problem solving. • Superior communication skills (oral and written). • Energetic, forward-thinking individual with high ethical standards. • Well organized and self-directed team player. • Strong sense of confidentiality and objectivity. • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. • Strong business and commercial acumen.


• Excellent negotiating skills, ability to engage with and present to clients. • Strong networking skills. • Excellent diary management. • Strong industry and market awareness (local, regional, international). • Solidly understanding of the processes and metrics required for sales success.

Operations Executive – Automotive Yard

Operations - Camperdown, South Africa


Position Summary: The Operations Executive – Automotive Yard is responsible for overseeing the overall management and operations of the yard, ensuring continuous operation and logistics in alignment with the company objectives. This role involves developing and implementing plans that meet customer needs and achieve high satisfaction, adhering to the highest quality standards including safety, organization, and efficiency. Key responsibilities include coordinating all yard-related activities such as picking, loading, returns, services, and maintenance while maintaining quality management and conducting inspections. Additionally, the role entails managing inbound and outbound materials to ensure proper and safe storage, overseeing inventory quality in compliance with international standards, conducting accurate quality control, and regularly monitoring key performance indicators for yard operations to ensure customer satisfaction with the highest quality standards. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Ensures to anchor company quality, safety and compliance plan in the management and organization. • Ensures daily fulfilment of customer service expectations continuous operations and logistics. • Processes inbound and outbound trains according to the Transportation Plan. • Meets monthly safety requirements outlined in the Field Training Exercise Program. • Responds to service interruptions within the territory. • Coordinates locomotive preventative maintenance in the shop. • Identifies and mitigates safety risks on the territory. • Supervises work crews and manages employees to execute the transportation plan. • Assists in developing short and long-term operational strategies. • Implements the transportation plan to achieve service quality and business objectives. • Coordinates operations with car management to optimize customer satisfaction. • Leads, coaches, and develops agreement employees to enhance performance and employee involvement, promoting regular performance reviews with the local site teams. • Establishes a good line of conversation with customers. • Focuses on innovations solutions to drive operational efficiency and actively participate in groups innovation platforms. • Maintains very fluid and professional dialogue and aliments with our customers, and prospective customer base. • Works through the company’s operational IT system and liaise with managers on its full capacity. • Elaborates and control budgets and forecasts. • Engages the workforce to ensure safe and efficient operations. • Maintains relationships with internal and external stakeholders. • Manages inventory levels with accuracy and timeliness. • Develops and implements processes to ensure regulatory compliance. • Notifies agents, shippers, or consignees of shipments as required. • Coordinates shipment movements and provides status reports to clients. • Purchases materials, plans inventory, and oversees warehouse efficiency. • Ensures organizational compliance with legal requirements. • Develops strategic and operational objectives. • Analyses financial data to improve profitability. • Manages budgets and forecasts. • Performs quality controls and monitors production KPIs. • Recruits, trains, and supervises staff. • Improves customer service quality. • Defines team actions and deadlines for capacity planning and risk management. • Ensures job clarity and cross-training for staff development. • Observes employee performance and provides training on processes and standards. • Consults with senior management on task prioritization. • Sets performance metrics and KPIs for operational success and financial health. • Coordinates the movement of shipments between origin and destination, tracking shipments and sending regular status reports to clients, and filling in data input/logging files. • Purchases materials, plans inventory, and oversees warehouse efficiency. • Helps the organization’s processes remain legally compliant. • Formulates strategic and operational objectives. • Examines financial data and uses them to improve profitability. • Manages budgets and forecasts. • Performs quality controls and monitors production KPIs. • Recruits, trains, and supervises staff. • Finds ways to increase the quality of customer service. • Defines the actions the organization or specific teams must take and sets deadlines for them to be the basis of capacity planning and risk management strategies. • Ensures that all employees are aware of their job duties and are cross trained in any capacity that is necessary to aide in development and growth of staff. • Observes employee’s performance and trains in proper processes and standards. • Consults with other senior managers to decide which activities should be moved higher on the team’s to-do list. • Prioritizes objectives to prevent quality problems down the line. • Decides performance metrics, determining the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will mark the operation’s success and add to the health of the company in the financial statements. Direct Reports: Operation Supervisor Transportation Planner Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • Bachelor’s degree: Maritime/transportation/Foreign Trade University is a plus • Proven work experience as Operations Manager or similar role with about 10 years of experience in logistics. • Should have knowledge of DOT rules and regulations. • Bilingual in English. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Strong leadership and strategic thinking in supply chain and logistics processes • Reliable, organized, and honest • Proactive, adaptable self-starter • Knowledgeable in organizational effectiveness and operations management • Excellent communication skills • Timely task completion • Outstanding customer service with a positive attitude • Works well within a team • Proficient in multitasking • Experienced in influencing multi-professional teams • Analyses and interprets data to support decision-making • Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments and deadlines • Persistent in facing challenges • Calm in stressful situations • Willing to learn from others and prioritize team agenda • Supports final group decisions • Effectively handles multiple priorities


Strong leadership and strategic thinking in supply chain and logistics processes • Reliable, organized, and honest • Proactive, adaptable self-starter • Knowledgeable in organizational effectiveness and operations management • Excellent communication skills • Timely task completion

Transportation Planner

Operations - Istanbul, Turkey


Position Summary: The Transportation Planner is responsible for developing, coordinating, and optimizing transportation plans to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of goods. This role involves planning routes, managing transportation schedules, collaborating with carriers, and ensuring compliance with regulations and company policies. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Plans the daily transport assignation including truck driver assistance. • Controls loading process and report of unconformities and assignation of loading bays. • Ensures loading traceability of each unit. • Develops and optimizes transportation routes to ensure timely delivery of goods while minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency. • Creates and maintains transportation schedules, coordinating with carriers and internal departments to ensure alignment with production and delivery timelines. • Works closely with carriers, freight forwarders, and other logistics providers to secure transportation services, negotiate rates, and ensure compliance with service level agreements. • Analyses transportation data, including delivery performance, transit times, and shipping costs, to identify trends and opportunities for improvement. • Monitors and manages transportation costs, identifying areas for cost savings and implementing strategies to reduce expenses. • Addresses and resolve transportation-related issues, such as delays, disruptions, and discrepancies, implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence. • Ensures all transportation activities comply with relevant regulations, industry standards, and company policies, including safety and environmental guidelines. • Prepares and presents regular reports on transportation performance, including key metrics such as on-time delivery, transportation costs, and route efficiency. • Identifies and implements process improvements to enhance transportation efficiency, reduce costs, and improve service levels. • Collaborates with other departments, including procurement, warehouse, and customer service, to ensure seamless logistics operations and support business objectives. • Utilizes transportation management systems (TMS) and other logistics software to plan, execute, and monitor transportation activities. Direct Reports: N/A Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • Proven experience in transportation planning, logistics, or a related field, with a strong understanding of 24/7 transportation operation modes, carrier networks, and route optimization. • High Scholl Diploma. • Bilingual in English desired. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Excellent planning and organizational skills. • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. • Proficiency in transportation management systems (TMS) and logistics software. • Effective communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines. • Detail-oriented with a focus on accuracy. • Strong negotiation skills. • Familiarity with logistics regulations, industry standards, and best practices. Understanding of transportation modes, carrier networks, and inventory management principles.


• Excellent planning and organizational skills. • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. • Proficiency in transportation management systems (TMS) and logistics software. • Effective communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines. • Detail-oriented with a focus on accuracy. • Strong negotiation skills. • Familiarity with logistics regulations, industry standards, and best practices. Understanding of transportation modes, carrier networks, and inventory management principles.

Reporting Supervisor

Operations - Istanbul, Turkey


Position Summary: The Reporting Supervisor oversees the measurement and monitoring of specific performance metrics and KPIs, utilizing business intelligence and data management within the organization and formulating and implementing effective reporting procedures to ensure accuracy, timeliness, and alignment with business objectives establishing benchmarks and goals, and facilitating communication among stakeholders, colleagues, and executives. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Creates and assesses key performance indicators to track company performance. • Offers detailed comments and recommendations based on KPI analysis. • Monitors processes and recommends improvements. • Ensures the accuracy and reliability of data in the CT software, resolving any discrepancies. • Oversees and pre-authorizes invoices from transport companies and any service providers. • Analyses invoice disputes and recommends resolutions. • Plans, promotes, and manages associate activities throughout the report development process. • Develops and maintains close and effective working relationships with the business community, understanding their informational and operational needs while ensuring they are informed of documented reporting policies. • Ensures quality report implementations by developing, documenting, utilizing, and enforcing the use of reporting procedures that meet objectives and business goals. • Manages reporting activities and representation during business meetings to understand and ensure needed information is delivered to meet strategic business goals. • Ensures reports are developed using the most appropriate methods and tools available. • Ensures the accuracy and reliability of data in the CT software, resolving any discrepancies. Direct Reports: N/A Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • 3-7 Years of data analysis or reporting knowledge in the logistics field. • Associate degree/HND level qualification Business Administration, or related field required. • Bilingual in English. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Must be detailed oriented and process focused. • Knowledge and exposure to international accounting issues and reporting requirements. • Highly developed organizational skills combined with good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate technical concepts to non-technical personnel. • Experience in current Regulatory changes including implementation, management and reporting to internal and external bodies within the Operations framework. • Gain working level knowledge and understanding of the operating environment (e.g., processing environment, applications, software and hardware) across Global Operations. • Highly motivated, business-oriented, and proactive. • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision. • Effective management of multiple priorities and deadlines. • Strong interpersonal and relationship-building skills. • Self-starter who motivates others to enhance their work quality. • Excellent team player with exceptional organizational and time management skills.


Strategic Thinking and Planning, Leadership and Team Management, Problem-solving and Decision-making, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Adaptability and Change Management

Planning Supervisor

Operations - Istanbul, United States


Position Summary: The Planning Supervisor provides management and leadership to the team including assigning, directing and reviewing work products, training and promoting and complying with affirmative action programs to achieve equal opportunity objectives. The Planning Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the planning and scheduling activities within the organization. This role ensures that all projects and operations are effectively coordinated to meet deadlines and quality standards. The Planning Supervisor will develop, implement, and maintain planning processes, work closely with various departments, and provide leadership and guidance to the planning team Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Oversees a 24/7 transport planning team responsible for coordinating daily transportation schedules between factory, port, and dealerships. • Develops and implements efficient transportation plans to ensure timely delivery Monitor and manage the performance of the transport planning team, providing guidance, support, and training as needed. • Monitors performance of transport companies. • Ensures compliance with industry regulations, safety standards, and company policies in all transportation activities. • Utilizes transportation management systems to track shipments, manage schedules, and maintain accurate records of transport activities. • Analyses transportation data to identify areas for improvement, implement solutions, and report on key performance indicators to senior management.Plans the daily working operation and coordinate with service provider jobs to be done. • Develops detailed project schedules, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation, to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. • Tracks the progress of projects and operations, identifying any potential delays or issues, and implementing corrective actions as needed. • Ensures optimal allocation and utilization of resources, including personnel, equipment, and materials, to meet project requirements. • Supervises and mentors the planning team, providing guidance, support, and professional development opportunities to ensure high performance and job satisfaction. • Works closely with various departments, including production, procurement, and logistics, to coordinate planning activities and ensure alignment with overall business objectives. • Analyses data and performance metrics to identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities for optimization in planning processes. • Prepares and presents regular reports on planning activities, project status, and performance metrics to senior management. • Ensures all planning activities comply with company policies, industry standards, and regulatory requirements. • Leads and participate in continuous improvement initiatives to enhance planning processes, tools, and systems. Direct Reports: Operations Planner Transportation Planner Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • 3-7 years working transport management in the logistics field. • Associate degree/HND level qualification Business Administration, or related field required. • Bilingual in English. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. • Excellent organizational and time-management abilities. • Proficiency in planning and scheduling software (e.g., MS Project, Primavera, SAP). • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. • Detail-oriented with a focus on accuracy and efficiency. • Leadership and team-building capabilities. • Highly motivated, business-oriented, and proactive. • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision. • Effective management of multiple priorities and deadlines. • Strong interpersonal and relationship-building skills. • Self-starter who motivates others to enhance their work quality. • Excellent team player with exceptional organizational and time management skills. • Familiarity with supply chain management, production processes, and project management principles.


• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. • Excellent organizational and time-management abilities. • Proficiency in planning and scheduling software (e.g., MS Project, Primavera, SAP). • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. • Detail-oriented with a focus on accuracy and efficiency.

Operations Supervisor

Operations - Istanbul, United States


Position Summary: The Operations Supervisor oversees the transportation of products from loading docks to warehouses or from warehouses to stores. They manage inventory and maintain communications with carriers, suppliers, warehouses, customs brokers, and other stakeholders involved in shipping and delivery. The Operations Supervisor coordinates daily departmental operations, ensuring efficient distribution of goods and overseeing all shipping processes to deliver excellent customer service, while implementing strategies to enhance department efficiency and customer service. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Coordinates and ensures proper daily operations. • Manages team responsibilities for transport operations and Operations planning. • Ensures data quality in the CT tool. • Monitors real-time logistics and promptly addresses operational issues. • Collaborates with carriers, suppliers, and internal teams to streamline processes. • Implements process improvements to enhance performance and reduce costs. • Ensures compliance with quality and safety standards. • Is responsible for accurate and timely pulling and shipping of MOs for production, coordinating with Material Handling to ensure efficient operations. • Schedules inbound deliveries through coordination with Purchasing. • Coordinates with the Operations Manager on personnel workload and scheduling matters. • Ensures timely completion and verification of component inventory counts, Transfer Sheets, and PO receipts. • Manages receipt, handling, and proper storage of components in designated bin locations. • Ensures adherence to established Logistics and Warehouse processes. • Enforces safety guidelines, rules, requirements, and company policies. • Oversees and coordinates all aspects of shipping, receiving, and distribution operations. • Works closely with carriers, suppliers, and customers to ensure timely delivery of goods. • Develops and implements strategies to enhance efficiency, customer service, and cost savings. • Manages logistics staff, coordinating scheduling and workloads effectively. • Ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations. • Monitors inventory levels and adjusts ordering and storage as needed. • Tracks order fulfilment progress and investigates/resolves discrepancies. • Manages daily routes and schedules of shipments and deliveries. • Tracks shipment progress to ensure timely arrivals. Direct Reports: Operations Planner Planning Supervisor Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • Bachelor’s degree in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or related field experience. • At least 7 years of prior experience in a supervisory role in logistics or related field. • Bilingual in English. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Expertise in shipping, receiving, and distribution processes. • Strong leadership and strategic thinking in supply chain and logistics processes. • Strong problem-solving and organizational skills. • Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities. • Ability to multitask and prioritize effectively in a fast-paced environment. • Proficiency in interpreting documents and applying procedural knowledge. • Skill in delegation and leadership, providing guidance and training. • Knowledge of procurement, inventory management, and resource optimization. • Familiarity with environmental and safety regulations. • Understanding of project management principles. • Adherence to applicable laws and regulations. • Highly motivated, business-oriented, and proactive. • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision. • Effective management of multiple priorities and deadlines. • Demonstrated leadership and supervisory capabilities. • Strong interpersonal and relationship-building skills. • Self-starter who motivates others to enhance their work quality. • Excellent team player with exceptional organizational and time management skills. • Detail-oriented and adept in facilities management processes.


• Expertise in shipping, receiving, and distribution processes. • Strong leadership and strategic thinking in supply chain and logistics processes. • Strong problem-solving and organizational skills. • Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.

Operations Planner

Operations - Istanbul, United States


Position Summary: The Operations Planner in Logistics is responsible for coordinating and optimizing the movement of goods through the supply chain, from the point of origin to the destination. This role involves planning and scheduling shipments, managing inventory levels, ensuring efficient warehouse operations, and collaborating with various stakeholders to meet customer demands and business objectives. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Plans the daily working operations and coordinates with service provider jobs to be done. • Daily reports of work orders done vs planned and service provider performance. • Creates and assesses key performance indicators to track company performance. • Coordinates with carriers, freight forwarders, and other logistics providers. • Monitors inventory levels and manage stock replenishments to maintain optimal inventory levels and avoid stockouts or overstock situations. • Coordinates warehouse activities, including receiving, storage, and shipping of goods. • Analyses logistics data, including shipping costs, transit times, and delivery performance, to identify trends and opportunities for improvement. • Creates and manages schedules for inbound and outbound shipments, ensuring alignment with production schedules and customer requirements. • Maintains relationships with logistics service providers, negotiating contracts and rates, and ensuring compliance with service level agreements. • Addresses and resolves issues related to transportation delays, inventory discrepancies, and other logistics challenges. Implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence. • Prepares and presents regular reports on logistics performance, including key metrics such as on-time delivery, shipping costs, and inventory turnover. • Ensures all logistics activities comply with relevant regulations, company policies, and industry standards. • Identifies and implements process improvements to enhance logistics efficiency, reduce costs, and improve service levels. • Works closely with other departments, including procurement, production, and customer service, to ensure seamless logistics operations and support business objectives. Direct Reports: N/A Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • At least 3 years of working orders planning in the logistics field. • High Scholl Diploma. • Bilingual in English desired. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Excellent planning and organizational skills. • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. • Proficiency in logistics software and tools (e.g., TMS, WMS, ERP systems). • Effective communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines. • Detail-oriented with a focus on accuracy. • Strong negotiation skills. • Familiarity with logistics regulations, industry standards, and best practices. Understanding of transportation modes, carrier networks, and inventory management principles.


• Excellent planning and organizational skills. • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. • Proficiency in logistics software and tools (e.g., TMS, WMS, ERP systems). • Effective communication and interpersonal skills.

Control Tower Project Manager

Operations - Istanbul, United States


Position Summary: The Operations Manager is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the efficient movement of goods, ensuring timely delivery, optimizing costs, and involvement in various critical processes and procedures, from strategic planning and efficient task batching to quality assurance. This role involves managing the entire inbound and outbound logistics process, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping. The Operations Manager supervises distribution processes and oversees supply chain management to ensure timely and accurate deliveries and communicates with other departments and divisions within the company, as well as with customers. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Monitors and manages inventory levels, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. • Develops and implements processes and procedures to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. • Negotiates and manages contracts with suppliers and customers. • Analyses and reports on logistics costs and performances. • Prepares and/or sends advance notifications of shipments or other documents to agents, shippers, or consignees as required. • Coordinates the movement of shipments between origin and destination, tracking shipments and sending regular status reports to clients, and filling in data input/logging files. • Purchases materials, plans inventory, and oversees warehouse efficiency. • Helps the organization’s processes remain legally compliant. • Formulates strategic and operational objectives. • Examines financial data and uses them to improve profitability. • Manages budgets and forecasts. • Performs quality controls and monitors production KPIs. • Recruits, trains, and supervises staff. • Finds ways to increase the quality of customer service. • Defines the actions the organization or specific teams must take and sets deadlines for them to be the basis of capacity planning and risk management strategies. • Ensures that all employees are aware of their job duties and are cross trained in any capacity that is necessary to aide in development and growth of staff. • Observes employee’s performance and trains in proper processes and standards. • Consults with other senior managers to decide which activities should be moved higher on the team’s to-do list. • Prioritizes objectives to prevent quality problems down the line. • Decides performance metrics, determining the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will mark the operation’s success and add to the health of the company in the financial statements. Direct Reports: Operation Supervisor Reporting Supervisor Customer Responsible Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • Bachelor’s degree: Maritime/transportation/Foreign Trade University is a plus • Proven work experience as Operations Manager or similar role with about 10 years of experience in logistics. • Should have knowledge of DOT rules and regulations. • Bilingual in English. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Strong leadership and strategic thinking in supply chain and logistics processes • Reliable, organized, and honest • Proactive, adaptable self-starter • Knowledgeable in organizational effectiveness and operations management • Excellent communication skills • Timely task completion • Outstanding customer service with a positive attitude • Works well within a team • Proficient in multitasking • Experienced in influencing multi-professional teams • Analyses and interprets data to support decision-making • Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments and deadlines • Persistent in facing challenges • Calm in stressful situations • Willing to learn from others and prioritize team agenda • Supports final group decisions • Effectively handles multiple priorities


• Strong leadership and strategic thinking in supply chain and logistics processes • Reliable, organized, and honest • Proactive, adaptable self-starter • Knowledgeable in organizational effectiveness and operations management • Excellent communication skills

Human Resources Manager

Operations - Istanbul, United States


Position Summary: The Human Resources Generalist Managers oversees the Human Resources department, ensuring that all functions and tasks are carried out effectively by the HR team. This position involves leading and managing routine HR functions, including hiring and interviewing staff, training and development, separations, administering pay, benefits, and leave, and enforcing company policies and practices. Additionally, the role promotes corporate values and shapes a positive culture across all aspects of the HR organization. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Reviews, tracks, and documents compliance with training, continuing education, and work assessments, including safety, anti-harassment, professional licensure, and certifications. • Recruits, interviews, and facilitates hiring for open positions, collaborating with departmental managers to understand required skills and competencies. • Conducts background checks and employee eligibility verifications. • Implements new hire orientation and employee recognition programs. • Administers and executes human resource programs, including compensation, benefits, leave, disciplinary matters, disputes, performance management, talent management, productivity, recognition, morale, occupational health, safety, and training. • Handles employment-related inquiries and refers complex or sensitive matters to appropriate staff. • Participates in employee disciplinary meetings, terminations, and investigations. • Maintains compliance with employment laws and regulations, reviews policies, and stays updated on HR trends, best practices, regulatory changes, and new technologies. • Develops and administers HR plans and procedures, and plans, organizes, and controls People and Culture department activities. • Supports in implementing and revising compensation programs, creating job descriptions, conducting salary surveys, and updating salary budgets and evaluation programs. • Revises and recommends personnel policies and procedures, maintains the company handbook, and oversees affirmative action programs. • Manages recruitment efforts, conducts new employee orientations, and provides employee relations counselling. • Oversees the daily workflow of the department, provides performance evaluations, and handles discipline and termination in accordance with company policy. • Maintains department records, participates in administrative meetings, and maintains the company directory and organizational charts. • Recommends new policies and procedures, engages managers and employees regarding employment practices, and encourages a positive work environment. • Provides guidance on employee relations issues, participates in performance management initiatives, and ensures compliance with employment laws. • Completes required reporting to regulatory agencies and fosters a safety philosophy. • Leads People and Culture special project teams and participates in cross-functional projects. • Completes required reporting and submit to appropriate regulatory agency. • Fosters HAL Culture as a key value and promotes employee participation. • Leads HR project and participates in cross-functional project teams. Direct Reports: N/A Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • Associate degree/HND level qualification in Human Resources, Business Administration, or related field required. • 5+ years of experience with full cycle recruiting in a corporate setting using various interview techniques and evaluation methods. • At least 5 years of human resource management experience preferred. • Bilingual in English • HR International Certification a plus. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Thorough knowledge of human resources practices and regulations within all human resources disciplines (Human Resources laws and practices, Employee Relations, Staffing, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, and Training). • Ability to be entrusted with sensitive and confidential information. • Good business acumen. • Ability to effectively address complex issues in an effective and efficient manner, and with complete discretion. • Excellent judgment and decision-making skills. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. • Excellent interpersonal, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills. • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail. • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. • Ability to prioritize tasks and to delegate them when appropriate. • Ability to act with integrity, professionalism, and confidentiality. • Thorough knowledge of employment-related laws and regulations. • Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software. • Proficiency with or the ability to quickly learn the organizations HRIS and talent management systems. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. • Excellent interpersonal, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills. • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail. • Excellent time management skills with a proven ability to meet deadlines.


• Thorough knowledge of human resources practices and regulations within all human resources disciplines (Human Resources laws and practices, Employee Relations, Staffing, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, and Training). • Ability to be entrusted with sensitive and confidential information. • Good business acumen. • Ability to effectively address complex issues in an effective and efficient manner, and with complete discretion.

Control Tower Project Leader

Operations - Istanbul, United States


Position Summary: The Control Tower Project Leader proactively initiates tasks and projects independently, aiding businesses in achieving end-to-end visibility. This role involves planning logistics tasks within the network, integrating IT solutions with our customers logistics systems, and operating a centralized system that consolidates data, such as stock and transport, across the organization. The Control Tower Project Leader utilizes intuitive dashboards and reports to identify and address operational issues in real-time. By coordinating with the operations team, the Control Tower Project Leader prioritizes and promptly resolves critical issues while anticipating future solutions. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Creates and maintains a planning schedule to meet agreed lead times and service levels for onsite, retailer, and warehouse deliveries. • Monitors daily and weekly PDI/Loading Plans and 4PL performance. • Supervises the Logistics Account Operations/Customer Service team to ensure excellent service and achieve KPIs and delivery deadlines. • Manages queries and operational orders among offices, agents, and clients. • Integrates data from various sources for comprehensive operational visibility, enhancing supply chain performance. • Analyses and reports on volumes and trade lanes statistically. • Handles shipping quotes, maintains freight rates, and negotiates. • Ensures adherence to shipping processes and update systems accordingly. • Generate shipment orders and monitor invoicing. • Develops and maintains agent relationships to boost global revenues. • Shares daily PDI planning requests with PDI operators and report the daily execution. • Shares daily loading plans and shipment requests with truck suppliers and follow up on execution. • Manages logistics KPIs and resolves issues and claims. • Monitors the daily operation of PDI and transport, reporting to customers. • Performs performance monitoring of PDI and transport operations according to customer KPIs. • Continuous Improvement and Compliance: • Proposes continuous improvements for planning and logistics KPIs. • Addresses logistics issues and claims promptly with solutions. • Supports continuous logistics performance improvement plans and assigned ad hoc tasks. • Stays informed on global affairs impacting logistics and supply chain. • Ensures compliance with Health & Safety regulations and report concerns promptly. • Recommends process and system improvements to meet business standards. • Communicate effectively across all business levels. • Provides an IT solution capable of overseeing all logistics steps from unloading vessels in port to delivering cars to dealers. • Shares a daily list of cars in PDI plans with compound/port operators for handling. • Shares daily loading plans and shipment requests with truck suppliers and follow up on execution. • Coordinates with suppliers according to customer requirements and directions. • Provides operational improvement proposals to customers to optimize operations. • Pre-approves quantities for each operation (port operations, PDI, and transport) before supplier invoices. • Coordinates with suppliers on damage reports and communicate situations to customers. Requirements: a) Education and/or Work Experience: • Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics preferred; or equivalent 5 years of related work experience. • In-depth expertise in logistics and supply chain management principles. • General knowledge of Imports, Exports, Warehousing, Customs, and rate understanding. • Proficient in MS Office applications: Word, Excel, Outlook. • Fluency in English; Spanish proficiency preferred. b) Competencies/Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities): • Highly motivated and business oriented. • Demonstrates a proactive attitude and takes initiative to start tasks and projects independently. • Entrepreneurial aptitude. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. • Effective collaboration with cross-functional teams. • Flexibility and adaptability. • Ambition, drive, and commitment. • Strong organizational skills and self-discipline. • Proficiency in problem-solving and decision-making. • Ability to analyze complex data and interpret data to support decision-making and convey information to management. • Commitment to exceptional customer experiences and building trustful relationships. • Drive to achieve business goals and deliver measurable results. • Timely completion of tasks. • Excellent customer service skills and a positive attitude. • Self-motivation and ability to work well within a team. • Proficiency in multitasking. • Practical experience working with and influencing groups and multi-professional teams. • Conscientiousness and efficiency in meeting commitments, observing deadlines, and achieving results. • Persistence in facing difficult problems or challenges. • Calmness in stressful situations. • Willingness to learn from others and prioritize the team agenda over personal agenda. • Supports and acts in accordance with final group decisions. • Effective handling of multiple priorities.


Highly motivated and business oriented, Demonstrates a proactive attitude and takes initiative to start tasks and projects independently, Entrepreneurial aptitude, Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, Effective collaboration with cross-functional teams

Chief Commercial Officer

Corporate Finance - Miami, Florida, United States


The CCO will be a relentlessly driven, focused, full-stack commercial leader. The CCO will be responsible and accountable for the overall management of the company’s commercial strategy, including sales and customer experience. This role ensures the company is always well-represented as a quality leader within its field of expertise, maximizing profitability and growth while driving topline growth by expanding with new clients, cross-selling to existing clients, and retaining current clients through collaborative and highly accountable management practices Key Responsibilities: • Align commercial strategy across various markets and group companies. • Manage the company’s tender and RFQ activities. • Liaise with local management in various markets on commercial activities to achieve business plan goals. • Collaborate with local management on commercial activities to achieve business goals. • Define and implement account strategies for sales and customer experience. • Maximize the use of the company’s CRM system. • Act as SRO for the company’s identified Global Key Accounts. • Own the company’s CRM system and ensure its full utilization. • Act as SRO for the company’s identified Global Key Accounts, including management. • Identify business development projects jointly with Management. • Lead in assessing the commercial viability of new projects. • Identify new business opportunities, market trends, and customer needs. Qualifications: • Demonstrate progressive sales experience with proven growth in responsibilities and achievements, including leading high-performing teams, aligning strategies with business goals, maintaining market leadership, and expanding into new markets while fostering strong client relationships to drive revenue. • Experience in previous Sales leadership roles, including 5 years as a Senior Commercial Manager, preferably in logistics. • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or Economics. MBA preferred. • Fluent in English; proficiency in Spanish or French is preferred. • Strong strategic thinking and business acumen. • Excellent leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills. • Demonstrated ability to drive business growth and achieve revenue targets. • Experience in market analysis, business development, and customer relationship management. • Significant experience in logistics and supply chain management. • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. • Proficiency in CRM software and other business tools. • Cross-cultural experience


Strategic Vision, Leadership, Market Insight, Communication, Analytical Skills, Customer Focus, Results-Oriented, Logistics Expertise